I’ve recently been working on some Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) assignments. 
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it’s all about pushing websites “up” in the top search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc so they appear (hopefully) at or near the top of the first page. The theory is that the easier you make for people to find you, the more likely they are to use your business.

The way the search engines actually work is constantly changing and it’s not just a case of stuffing loads of keywords into the copy on a website: the process is a lot more subtle than that. For further information, take a look at the “Smart SEO Services” page. I explain at length all the tech stuff in there …

That was a bit like a L’Oreal ad: ” … here comes the science bit … “
(don’t forget to check out my Shampoo Ads page)

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